just started to understand the difference between Web 1.0
and this recent 2.0. I don't say new because it exists
since years ago.
According to O'RELLY MEDIA, website that spreads the
innovators through its books, online services, magazines,
and conferences, Web 2.0, by the way, a phrase coined by
themselves in 2004, refers to a perceived or proposed
second generation of Web-based services—such as social
networking sites, wikis, communication tools, and
folksonomies—that emphasize online collaboration and
sharing among users.
And Tom O'Reilly issued this last compact definition of Web
"Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer
industry caused by the move to the internet as platform,
and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that
new platform. Chief among those rules is this: Build
applications that harness network effects to get better the
more people use them."
There is a lot more about Web 2.0. If you go to Wikipedia
you'll find a great deal of information about it.
In a simple way, I'd say that between Web 1.0 and 2.0 it's
just the difference between old and modern web sites.
Static HTML web sites vs. dinamic customized current web
And then it comes to my table about the modern Squidoo.
Have you seen what Squidoo is? Well, yes, it's a Web 2.0
web site. Just take a look and you'll easily understand
If you want to learn the most about Squidoo and create your
own lenses, read the following from SquidooSecrets.com:
"Have you ever wondered what happened to good old fashioned
community? We've gotten so used to email bombardment and
trashy websites that it's refreshing to finally find a
place where you can be part of something.
That's the case with a great site called Squidoo.
I've just been learning more about it myself and I love
everything I'm seeing about it:
*It's free. Always.
* You can make an interactive, Web 2.0 webpage in about 10
minutes (these are called "lenses")
* The philosophy behind the site is collaborative.
* And you can use it to promote whatever business,
expertise, service, or hobby you wish.
Now although it's free, and relatively easy to get started,
it's great to have help in making sense of everything you
can do with the site.
I've been learning how to use the site a lot faster with
the help of Bob The Teacher.
==> http://goaddr.com/w93
Bob really knows what he's talking about.
He's had a lens hit #1 on the site, was picked for Lens of
the day a couple of times, and was even highlighted in the
New York Times for his expertise in a really weird topic.
With Bob's help, I'm learning how to take this free service
and use it for affiliate marketing, list building,
expertise branding, and promoting my business.
Would that help you out, too?
He's offering a full blown membership for an awesome
price, but even better...
You can check out Squidoo Secrets first for free -- and see
if it's the kind of thing you'd like to pursue.
Download a 1-hour interview of Bob, hosted by internet
marketing expert Paulie Sabol.
I can't believe how much content is on this one interview
Although this one interview is worth the price of the full
membership, Bob's giving it away during this introductory
==> http://goaddr.com/w93
After you've listened to it and built your first lens, let
me know about it!
This is really great stuff. Grab your membersh|p now and
unleash the power of Web 2.0. You'll be amazed at how
quickly you can learn the advanced strategies of this site
with Bob's help.
==> http://goaddr.com/w93
If Bob offers you a deal on an upgraded membership, look
it over very carefully. Since he's a teacher, he's made
sure it's quite affordable."