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To all people affected by StormPay actions: Of course, I'm one of them. You can't believe what's happening with this SP stuff. I understand they are just a payment processor. But, at the light of what's going on, you can see that they are behaving the bad way: DA, jury, judge and executioner, for the least. I recently received payouts from 2 auto surf programs that have been paying me (and to others, for sure) and for that I was glad. Well, this joy lasted a few hours. Why? Imagine? StormPay made charge backs to my account to another programs. They say that charge backs can be made when: because of fraudulent actions or because of solicitation of the merchants. Non of these apply. Still, they made those charge backs. What does this mean? Simple, just one word: robbery.
I am a mexican citizen. I don't know about U.S. laws. I can hardly write english. I just have common sense. Definitely I'm sure StormPay is behaving the worst manner. Even if we suppose (only suppose) that they are right about the "ponzi or pyramid" schemes, what they are doing is outrageous. Closing and frozing accounts, debiting and making charge backs, WOW, what do they thing they are?
I'm realy disappointed about the internet; well, to be fair, it's not the internet. It's human being that makes bad use of one of the most great inventions of mankind. Hackers, crackers, scammers, spammers, etc. These ones make use of this sublime invention to harm us all.
I personally am member to several autosurf programs like 12dailyPro, My Cash Trader, Safari Cash,, Grand Hits, 911 Hitz, Dadndaves and 4daily. All of them always paid me. There are other like Estrix Surf, Daily Trust and 12Daily, to name a few, that came to be BIG SCAMMERS. They stealed the money and for sure they're having nice sun on a tropical island. And laughing at us, of course. As always, we fair people suffer because of the sinners. It's on these cases when authorities should really prosecute them.
Isn't there any group that can be able to beat these scoundrels of StormPay that are trying to steal great amounts of other people money? Are they going to succeed? I deeply hope someone comes up to save us all.
Jesus Moreno
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