I just made a new post on another blog about banner
advertising. I deeply think that this post is worth to
read because there are two different concepts about
this kind of advertising on the Internet that I have
found very interesting to read. The post begins as
"Well, well, well. So far I have been with the knowledge
that banner advertising is worthless. Not good at all. Ken
Evoy, owner and President of SiteSell.com, that has maybe
the best affiliate program on the net, “taught me” this by
means of his great ebook “The Affiliate Masters Course”
He wrote the following: “The #1 Reason For Low Traffic And
Terrible Conversion Rates? Banner Ads!”
The futility of banner ads was first revealed by his 5
Pillar Program, both in his award-winning 5 Pillar Manual
and in the Five Pillar Affiliate Reports...."
Please keep reading on this blog page:
To your business success,
Jesus Moreno
Marketing Consultant
Do you want a reliable autoresponder service almost all
internet marketers and big corporations use? Yes, you
guessed it. I am talking about AWeber, the reliable, 99.34%
email deliverability, fast, company. Take a Free Test
"The eternal quest for making a living online. Many of us are walking this path. The searching for profits is a must for improving our way of life, wherever we live in"
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Monday, December 03, 2007
4 Tips To Make Your Website Search Engine Ready.
Making a website search engine ready is important for top
rankings. Getting the job done is fairly simple if the
right advice is followed. Here are 4 simple tips you can
Tip #1 Headlines Are Important
A web page can have more than one headline. The main
headline is the one at the top of the page or article. It
is called a H1 tag. Make sure keywords are included here.
It is not out of the question for the headlines to bear
more weight than paragraphs and other text.
A second or third headline, H2 and H3, may also be
included. Just make sure to have the right keyword phrase
included in each of these, as well.
Tip #2 Using Keywords In Body Text
The actual text on the page is also very important. Make
sure the first lines of text have the most important
keywords included. It is important to make sure the
keywords are worked into the headline and the first few
sentences on a page in a normal, natural way. Words should
flow comfortably and not sound forced.
Having text on a page is more important than many realize.
Search engines do not recognize keywords in javascript,
graphics, flash or marquees. Pages that do best are between
100 and 400 words total. Web pages that only have images
usually do not rank high on search engines, since they do
not have text to index.
Tip #3 Page Title Keywords
Keywords can also help when they are added to the page
Title. You will see the Title near the top of your HTML
source code.
This is what appears in the browser window at the very top
of the page above the menu. Most search engines display the
Title as the top line in their listing. They have a
propensity to list pages that have the searched keyword
contained in the Title. Considering this, it is one of the
most important parts of a page to include your primary
Tip #4 Image Names
Make sure Alt tags are added to image descriptions, in
order to maximize your search engine optimization efforts.
Doing so will also help the viewers experience in case any
images don't load.
However, never use more than 2 - 3 keywords in any one Alt
tag. Also, don't repeat the same keywords in different ALT
tags. It's best to use related keywords or even
Every web page provides a great opportunity to use keywords
to it's advantage. Taking a look at the web pages source
code and tweaking it can pay off with rankings and traffic,
so it's well worth the effort.
Would you like to get your hands on a system that can get
you better rankings, more sales, and more traffic than your
server can handle?
If so, then I suggest you check out this brand new search
engine optimization toolkit that just came out called
Search Engine Phantom...
You can learn all about it right here:
To your success,
Jesus Moreno
Marketing Consultant
Do you want a reliable autoresponder service almost all
internet marketers and big corporations use? Yes, you
guessed it. I am talking about AWeber, the reliable, 99.34%
email deliverability, fast, company. Take a Free Test
rankings. Getting the job done is fairly simple if the
right advice is followed. Here are 4 simple tips you can
Tip #1 Headlines Are Important
A web page can have more than one headline. The main
headline is the one at the top of the page or article. It
is called a H1 tag. Make sure keywords are included here.
It is not out of the question for the headlines to bear
more weight than paragraphs and other text.
A second or third headline, H2 and H3, may also be
included. Just make sure to have the right keyword phrase
included in each of these, as well.
Tip #2 Using Keywords In Body Text
The actual text on the page is also very important. Make
sure the first lines of text have the most important
keywords included. It is important to make sure the
keywords are worked into the headline and the first few
sentences on a page in a normal, natural way. Words should
flow comfortably and not sound forced.
Having text on a page is more important than many realize.
Search engines do not recognize keywords in javascript,
graphics, flash or marquees. Pages that do best are between
100 and 400 words total. Web pages that only have images
usually do not rank high on search engines, since they do
not have text to index.
Tip #3 Page Title Keywords
Keywords can also help when they are added to the page
Title. You will see the Title near the top of your HTML
source code.
This is what appears in the browser window at the very top
of the page above the menu. Most search engines display the
Title as the top line in their listing. They have a
propensity to list pages that have the searched keyword
contained in the Title. Considering this, it is one of the
most important parts of a page to include your primary
Tip #4 Image Names
Make sure Alt tags are added to image descriptions, in
order to maximize your search engine optimization efforts.
Doing so will also help the viewers experience in case any
images don't load.
However, never use more than 2 - 3 keywords in any one Alt
tag. Also, don't repeat the same keywords in different ALT
tags. It's best to use related keywords or even
Every web page provides a great opportunity to use keywords
to it's advantage. Taking a look at the web pages source
code and tweaking it can pay off with rankings and traffic,
so it's well worth the effort.
Would you like to get your hands on a system that can get
you better rankings, more sales, and more traffic than your
server can handle?
If so, then I suggest you check out this brand new search
engine optimization toolkit that just came out called
Search Engine Phantom...
You can learn all about it right here:
To your success,
Jesus Moreno
Marketing Consultant
Do you want a reliable autoresponder service almost all
internet marketers and big corporations use? Yes, you
guessed it. I am talking about AWeber, the reliable, 99.34%
email deliverability, fast, company. Take a Free Test
search engine optimization
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Free Instant Affiliate Traffic Guide!
If you want to make money online using
only free resources, then you must visit
Smart Business Formula. Make a visit and
watch a descriptive 20 minute video.
And I have a free copy of a guide titled
"Instant Affiliate Traffic Guide". If you
want to learn how to generate the traffic
you need por your affiliate links, it's a
must to read it. It can be downloaded if
clicking at:
See the complete post at:
Jesus Moreno
Marketing Consultant
only free resources, then you must visit
Smart Business Formula. Make a visit and
watch a descriptive 20 minute video.
And I have a free copy of a guide titled
"Instant Affiliate Traffic Guide". If you
want to learn how to generate the traffic
you need por your affiliate links, it's a
must to read it. It can be downloaded if
clicking at:
See the complete post at:
Jesus Moreno
Marketing Consultant
affiliate programs,
info products,
smart buiness formula
Monday, November 19, 2007
The Birth of Crocads!
This new advertising program has just been launched.
You've never seen an advertising site like this.
They pay YOU to Advertise.
It's list Builder
It's a Mailer
You Can Target your Ads
Get in on this now and let everyone
you know about it.
You can join for free, but don't miss
the oto. You will kick yourself later.
See the complete post at:
Hurry and sign up for your membership and
start promoting your website.
You've never seen an advertising site like this.
They pay YOU to Advertise.
It's list Builder
It's a Mailer
You Can Target your Ads
Get in on this now and let everyone
you know about it.
You can join for free, but don't miss
the oto. You will kick yourself later.
See the complete post at:
Hurry and sign up for your membership and
start promoting your website.
affiliate programs,
Monday, September 10, 2007
Top 10 Rankings With Silomatic.
Silomatic is a theme site builder. You can avoid
wasting all your time struggling with SEO tactics.
Insider software that smart webmasters use to
automatically put THEIR websites at the top of ANY
search engine results!
You can build sites the right way for search engines.
There are plenty of programs that will automatically
build web pages. But that's not the objective. What
you need is pages that are just as powerful (if not
MORE powerful) as those you would fastidiously create
by hand.
Visit Silomatic Website
You want pages that are SO good, they're capable of
quickly and easily rising right to the top of the
search engine food chain. And STAY there.
In a world of ever-changing search engine algorithms
and SEO techniques, only websites that meet the
latest standards will rise to the top of the pack.
Now you can boost your page rank AND your profits
at the same time with the automatic web-building
capability of SiloMatic.
7 KILLER bonuses absolutely FREE.
60 Day refunding guarantee.
Visit Silomatic Website
Home Income Team is a great downline builder created
by the well known internet marketer Michael Cobb.
Includes multiple income streams and free website that
you can customize as you see fit. Get yours at:
Mi customized Home Income Team Website
wasting all your time struggling with SEO tactics.
Insider software that smart webmasters use to
automatically put THEIR websites at the top of ANY
search engine results!
You can build sites the right way for search engines.
There are plenty of programs that will automatically
build web pages. But that's not the objective. What
you need is pages that are just as powerful (if not
MORE powerful) as those you would fastidiously create
by hand.
Visit Silomatic Website
You want pages that are SO good, they're capable of
quickly and easily rising right to the top of the
search engine food chain. And STAY there.
In a world of ever-changing search engine algorithms
and SEO techniques, only websites that meet the
latest standards will rise to the top of the pack.
Now you can boost your page rank AND your profits
at the same time with the automatic web-building
capability of SiloMatic.
7 KILLER bonuses absolutely FREE.
60 Day refunding guarantee.
Visit Silomatic Website
Home Income Team is a great downline builder created
by the well known internet marketer Michael Cobb.
Includes multiple income streams and free website that
you can customize as you see fit. Get yours at:
Mi customized Home Income Team Website
webmasters tools
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
The Launch of Exit Explosion!
This 22th is the birth of ExitExplosion. This advertising
program was created by the nice lady Sheila Scofield. She
says the following about this new issue:
"Did you know that there's a way to legally "steal" traffic
from high-traffic websites and redirect it all to your
Well, I didn't.
But, there's a new free site that just launched today, and
it explains it all in plain English (for once)!
I'd *highly* recommend that you take a look at this if
you're interested in driving a lot of free traffic to your
I know you're itching to find out how it works..."
I already subscribed and started promote the site. You can
advertise for free and make promotion searching for
affiliate income. You can get paid cash, direcly to your
Paypal account, just for putting some code up on your site.
It's all explained right after you sign up.
I invite you to sign up right now. This way of advertising
is based on the new "exit grabber" softwares that recently
popped up over the whole internet marketing scenario.
Know the new program that is taking the internet by
storm. Just launched and making 1000s of sales thru
ClickBank. It's great for those who want to be supper
affiliates. I grabbed it, still reading it and, wow, great
mentorship. Besides, an incredible software that helps
you to save tons of time when you market by mean of
the PPC system on Google. Yes, it's the so called
"Affiliate Rockstar Status"
program was created by the nice lady Sheila Scofield. She
says the following about this new issue:
"Did you know that there's a way to legally "steal" traffic
from high-traffic websites and redirect it all to your
Well, I didn't.
But, there's a new free site that just launched today, and
it explains it all in plain English (for once)!
I'd *highly* recommend that you take a look at this if
you're interested in driving a lot of free traffic to your
I know you're itching to find out how it works..."
I already subscribed and started promote the site. You can
advertise for free and make promotion searching for
affiliate income. You can get paid cash, direcly to your
Paypal account, just for putting some code up on your site.
It's all explained right after you sign up.
I invite you to sign up right now. This way of advertising
is based on the new "exit grabber" softwares that recently
popped up over the whole internet marketing scenario.
Know the new program that is taking the internet by
storm. Just launched and making 1000s of sales thru
ClickBank. It's great for those who want to be supper
affiliates. I grabbed it, still reading it and, wow, great
mentorship. Besides, an incredible software that helps
you to save tons of time when you market by mean of
the PPC system on Google. Yes, it's the so called
"Affiliate Rockstar Status"
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Is Self-Improvement Forgotten?
This time I'd like to make reference to a theme not exactly
related to the internet marketing, business opportunities
or any other work at home programs. No, this time will
devote a few minutes to a personal self-improvement issue.
And here you are:
I'm a big fan of self-improvement books and courses. I
think each of us owes it to ourselves to become all that we
can be.
But reading a book or following a course is so
time-consuming. Sometimes I feel that there are so many
aspects of my life I want to improve that I'll be an old
man before I've even changed half of them!
That's why I was delighted to discover Bradley Thomson and
his incredible 'Subliminal Power' website at:
Bradley's Subliminal Power tool lets you achieve all that
you want to achieve in a fraction of the time and with
absolutely NO effort whatsoever! It's a little tool that
runs in the background on your PC, making carefully
constructed 'suggestions' to your subconscious while you
get on with your work. It's the mental equivalent of those
abdominal exercisers that let you do 3,000 press ups while
sitting in a chair!
With Bradley's technology you can raise your IQ to genius
level, develop astonishing powers of concentration and
recall, become a 'natural' salesperson or public speaker
and even 'command' your body to lose weight. You can use
subliminal messaging to be who YOU want to be with
absolutely NO effort on your behalf!
It's far more powerful than hypnosis ... in fact, I'd go so
far as to say it's the most powerful tool for
self-empowerment there is.
Check out my web site at:

Friends: If you visited the above URL or not, I'd like to
give you, this time for free, another program that I'm sure
is also different from the usual type of web sites you and
me are used to surf. It's a free software, no strings
attached. We are talking about a secret tool that can help
reprogram your mind and achieve any goal in just 2 weeks.
Don't let it pass. Let's say that this sort of personal
improvement tools at no charge, well, you don't see them
every day.
Get it at:
related to the internet marketing, business opportunities
or any other work at home programs. No, this time will
devote a few minutes to a personal self-improvement issue.
And here you are:
I'm a big fan of self-improvement books and courses. I
think each of us owes it to ourselves to become all that we
can be.
But reading a book or following a course is so
time-consuming. Sometimes I feel that there are so many
aspects of my life I want to improve that I'll be an old
man before I've even changed half of them!
That's why I was delighted to discover Bradley Thomson and
his incredible 'Subliminal Power' website at:
Bradley's Subliminal Power tool lets you achieve all that
you want to achieve in a fraction of the time and with
absolutely NO effort whatsoever! It's a little tool that
runs in the background on your PC, making carefully
constructed 'suggestions' to your subconscious while you
get on with your work. It's the mental equivalent of those
abdominal exercisers that let you do 3,000 press ups while
sitting in a chair!
With Bradley's technology you can raise your IQ to genius
level, develop astonishing powers of concentration and
recall, become a 'natural' salesperson or public speaker
and even 'command' your body to lose weight. You can use
subliminal messaging to be who YOU want to be with
absolutely NO effort on your behalf!
It's far more powerful than hypnosis ... in fact, I'd go so
far as to say it's the most powerful tool for
self-empowerment there is.
Check out my web site at:
Friends: If you visited the above URL or not, I'd like to
give you, this time for free, another program that I'm sure
is also different from the usual type of web sites you and
me are used to surf. It's a free software, no strings
attached. We are talking about a secret tool that can help
reprogram your mind and achieve any goal in just 2 weeks.
Don't let it pass. Let's say that this sort of personal
improvement tools at no charge, well, you don't see them
every day.
Get it at:
Friday, July 13, 2007
You Got To Know This New Program.
Richard Madison, creator of CB Deluxe Mall, is launching right
now his new adventure named "The 7 Dollar Mall".
You can get for free a mall. But to get into a better span of
profit, you can upgrade for a one time small fee.
Take a look and you'll see that the site is nice to see and
surf. Many cheap products to sell.
I have set up a little page where you can read much more about
this new opportunity. If you are seeking for something like
that, then you've found it.
Please keep reading more here...
now his new adventure named "The 7 Dollar Mall".
You can get for free a mall. But to get into a better span of
profit, you can upgrade for a one time small fee.
Take a look and you'll see that the site is nice to see and
surf. Many cheap products to sell.
I have set up a little page where you can read much more about
this new opportunity. If you are seeking for something like
that, then you've found it.
Please keep reading more here...
small business
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Derek Gehl Wants Your Address.
I am sure you all know the famous internet
marketer Derek Gehl. He is the actual owner of
the great site called Internet Marketing Tips. He
has been able to create a very big fortune out
of this niche.
Well, it happens that this friend Derek is giving
away 250 copies of his blockbuster "Internet
Secrets to Marketing Your Business on the
Internet" course. He says that no computer or
business experience is required.
Would you like to make an extra $7,500 to $12,750
per month, working as little as 30-60 minutes per
day, even if you have NO business ideas or
website yet?
As you'll see, there is absolutely NO RISK
involved in trying his #1-rated Internet wealth
system. In fact, for the next 30 days, he's
willing to let you try it for just $2.95.
His ONLY condition is that, once you've achieved
your income goals, you agree to 1) write him a
glowing testimonial, and 2) let him use your
success story to inspire others.
He also gives us the remarkable story of an
australian stay-at-home mom with 2 little kids
that used to go from welfare to riches. And he
also let us know how this was acquired.
But I must warn you... Derek said it's extremely
costly for him to give away this entire $1,298.84
system as a $2.95 Trial -- so he's strictly
limiting participation to 250 people.
To guarantee YOUR $2.95 Trial copy is shipped to
you immediately -- before Derek runs out of
copies and takes his page down for good -- I
recommend visiting:
...before it's too late.
And if you want to read the story of the
australian mom, it's a short one, go to this
nitty and nice simple webpage:
Take action righ now, it's a great opportunity.
marketer Derek Gehl. He is the actual owner of
the great site called Internet Marketing Tips. He
has been able to create a very big fortune out
of this niche.
Well, it happens that this friend Derek is giving
away 250 copies of his blockbuster "Internet
Secrets to Marketing Your Business on the
Internet" course. He says that no computer or
business experience is required.
Would you like to make an extra $7,500 to $12,750
per month, working as little as 30-60 minutes per
day, even if you have NO business ideas or
website yet?
As you'll see, there is absolutely NO RISK
involved in trying his #1-rated Internet wealth
system. In fact, for the next 30 days, he's
willing to let you try it for just $2.95.
His ONLY condition is that, once you've achieved
your income goals, you agree to 1) write him a
glowing testimonial, and 2) let him use your
success story to inspire others.
He also gives us the remarkable story of an
australian stay-at-home mom with 2 little kids
that used to go from welfare to riches. And he
also let us know how this was acquired.
But I must warn you... Derek said it's extremely
costly for him to give away this entire $1,298.84
system as a $2.95 Trial -- so he's strictly
limiting participation to 250 people.
To guarantee YOUR $2.95 Trial copy is shipped to
you immediately -- before Derek runs out of
copies and takes his page down for good -- I
recommend visiting:
...before it's too late.
And if you want to read the story of the
australian mom, it's a short one, go to this
nitty and nice simple webpage:
Take action righ now, it's a great opportunity.
internet marketing course
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Revealing The Secrets Of The New eBay Elite.
Are you an internet marketer? I guess so. Then, you have
heard about eBay and Squidoo, right? Of course you do. What
if I tell you that I just received an ebook titled "Free
Traffic - Revealing The Secrets Of The New eBay Elite", by
Megan Casey, Editor-In-Chief, Squidoo.com.
It's a short book about an easy way to get discovered and
stand out and (of course) make more money from your
And this ebook isn't about a SEO trick or winning the
advertising game. It's not about blogging better, either.
Instead, it's about joining a fun community of passionate
people, making great and authentic content, telling your
story, and getting discovered in lots of new places online.
(Hint: it starts with Squid, and ends in -oo). Her goal is
to give you some easy, free ways to build a reputation and
drive traffic at the same time.
I could keep going on and on. But what if you better
download the PDF file, save it to your HD and read it in
full one, two or more times. It's really worth it. To do
so, just go to:
This download link will be live for a few days, so I
suggest you to hurry up.
I hope this will be most useful to you.
Jesus Moreno
I'm still an internet marketing learner. I've learnt a few
things. And I now would like to present to you 5 simple
pages I've created. Of course, they have its commercial
touch. But then I tried to put in, and I did, some fresh
content by means of rss feeds. Fresh content that updates
almost every day. I really hope you enjoy it. Simple pages
but with content.
I'd be honored if you visit some of those links.
heard about eBay and Squidoo, right? Of course you do. What
if I tell you that I just received an ebook titled "Free
Traffic - Revealing The Secrets Of The New eBay Elite", by
Megan Casey, Editor-In-Chief, Squidoo.com.
It's a short book about an easy way to get discovered and
stand out and (of course) make more money from your
And this ebook isn't about a SEO trick or winning the
advertising game. It's not about blogging better, either.
Instead, it's about joining a fun community of passionate
people, making great and authentic content, telling your
story, and getting discovered in lots of new places online.
(Hint: it starts with Squid, and ends in -oo). Her goal is
to give you some easy, free ways to build a reputation and
drive traffic at the same time.
I could keep going on and on. But what if you better
download the PDF file, save it to your HD and read it in
full one, two or more times. It's really worth it. To do
so, just go to:
This download link will be live for a few days, so I
suggest you to hurry up.
I hope this will be most useful to you.
Jesus Moreno
I'm still an internet marketing learner. I've learnt a few
things. And I now would like to present to you 5 simple
pages I've created. Of course, they have its commercial
touch. But then I tried to put in, and I did, some fresh
content by means of rss feeds. Fresh content that updates
almost every day. I really hope you enjoy it. Simple pages
but with content.
I'd be honored if you visit some of those links.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Program Review of Soaring4Traffic.com.
Type of Program: Free Advertising Network
Owner: Ray White
Experience: Over 3 Years Marketing Online
Timer: 10-20 Seconds
Price: Free with two upgrade levels for more traffic
Commissions: 20 - 40% (on upgrades) 10 - 20% on credit sales
Ease of Use: Very Good
Design: One of the Best I have EVER seen
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
After joining this program I was very impressed with
how easy it was to navigate through the members area
and the surfing was a breeze.
Then when I reviewed the Commission plan and the fact
I can give away memberships and make huge
income on the One Time Offers I practically squealed.
This was a bit more than I expected and boy have I been
pleased with this program. The support is great, the follow
up is wonderful and the traffic is way above average.
Of course this was to be expected when joining one of
The programs Dan Moses built and Ray White runs. This
is one of the many TE Dan's put his heart into and stands
behind so with that in mind I really haven't worried about
anything except how I am going to refer more members.
The bottom line is... this program rocks and I would
suggest that anyone who's looking for quality effective
traffic should join up today.
There's a whole lot to gain from being a member and
hey, don't forget to take the offer... (you'll know what
I mean when you join) yes, the offer that you've got
to see... it's awesome!
Performance: ok
User Friendly: ok
Cost: ok
Support: ok
Results: ok
Reviewed by J. Moreno
Owner: Ray White
Experience: Over 3 Years Marketing Online
Timer: 10-20 Seconds
Price: Free with two upgrade levels for more traffic
Commissions: 20 - 40% (on upgrades) 10 - 20% on credit sales
Ease of Use: Very Good
Design: One of the Best I have EVER seen
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
After joining this program I was very impressed with
how easy it was to navigate through the members area
and the surfing was a breeze.
Then when I reviewed the Commission plan and the fact
I can give away memberships and make huge
income on the One Time Offers I practically squealed.
This was a bit more than I expected and boy have I been
pleased with this program. The support is great, the follow
up is wonderful and the traffic is way above average.
Of course this was to be expected when joining one of
The programs Dan Moses built and Ray White runs. This
is one of the many TE Dan's put his heart into and stands
behind so with that in mind I really haven't worried about
anything except how I am going to refer more members.
The bottom line is... this program rocks and I would
suggest that anyone who's looking for quality effective
traffic should join up today.
There's a whole lot to gain from being a member and
hey, don't forget to take the offer... (you'll know what
I mean when you join) yes, the offer that you've got
to see... it's awesome!
Performance: ok
User Friendly: ok
Cost: ok
Support: ok
Results: ok
Reviewed by J. Moreno
manual traffic exchange
Saturday, May 19, 2007
The Burning Question!
If you are an internet or affiliate marketer, I'm sure you do yourself these
questions. I usually do:
How do I find profitable affiliate programs? That's the burning question
that everyone wants to know, right?
And then questions that usually follow from that such as: Which keywords
will I use? What is the best ad copy to use?
Well, I have good news for you:
An excellent new report is out by Chris Carpenter of Google Cash, and is
FREE by the way: reveals how new technology is changing all of that.
It shows you how you can actually know what affiliate programs are
actually profitable, which keywords to use, and which Ad copy to use
with near scary accuracy.
These are exciting times, indeed. However, those who don't take
advantage of this technology will be left in the dust...pennyless. And
those that do learn about this and take full advantage will be more
profitable than ever.
Go read the report right now, before they take it down! Remember, it's
questions. I usually do:
How do I find profitable affiliate programs? That's the burning question
that everyone wants to know, right?
And then questions that usually follow from that such as: Which keywords
will I use? What is the best ad copy to use?
Well, I have good news for you:
An excellent new report is out by Chris Carpenter of Google Cash, and is
FREE by the way: reveals how new technology is changing all of that.
It shows you how you can actually know what affiliate programs are
actually profitable, which keywords to use, and which Ad copy to use
with near scary accuracy.
These are exciting times, indeed. However, those who don't take
advantage of this technology will be left in the dust...pennyless. And
those that do learn about this and take full advantage will be more
profitable than ever.
Go read the report right now, before they take it down! Remember, it's
Monday, May 07, 2007
Putting Into Practice What I Have Learnt!
I'm not an expertise. Far away from it. Still, I've learnt a
few things, like basics on web design.
I've made many web pages. In most of them, I've tried to put
some content besides, of course, some commercial ads and
If you permit me, I will let you know some of those pages.
Not great but already on the internet.
First off, I'll start with the last one. Contains mainly an
internet marketing solo article. It's a feed and the content
is updated almost daily. Some times, twice a day. Depends of
the submitting frequency from the writers. Yes, the source
is one of those article directories.
There is also a box titled "Latest Headlines". When clicking
some of the links you are redirected to the full article.
A couple of contextual ads and one image ad, are on the
I hope you'll enjoy what you see.
Get a FREE adsense website each Month.
few things, like basics on web design.
I've made many web pages. In most of them, I've tried to put
some content besides, of course, some commercial ads and
If you permit me, I will let you know some of those pages.
Not great but already on the internet.
First off, I'll start with the last one. Contains mainly an
internet marketing solo article. It's a feed and the content
is updated almost daily. Some times, twice a day. Depends of
the submitting frequency from the writers. Yes, the source
is one of those article directories.
There is also a box titled "Latest Headlines". When clicking
some of the links you are redirected to the full article.
A couple of contextual ads and one image ad, are on the
I hope you'll enjoy what you see.
Get a FREE adsense website each Month.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Just Launched Nice Manual Traffic Exchange.
Traffic Exchange programs get birth almost every day. Modern
technology permits these programs to have a very good looking,
pleasant to our eyes, and working in a smooth and efficient way.
Recently, ProFatCat.com came online. And it's one of the so
called "pros" because every member has to pay a one time fee of
Then, all de members of ProFatCat.com have qualified themselves
by paying for their membership, so you know that they are serious
about their business and willing to spend money online.
And there is a special discount during 60 days starting may 1st;
this way you can get into a pro manual exchange for only $1.99. A
one time fee. You get the traffic needed for your business and
your ad is displayed in front of other pro members.
Consider to join this good program. Visit my page at:
You just got to submit the coupon code: WhatADeal. And then pay
the discounted price. Go for it. In a few days more than 1000
members have subscribed.
Your friend,
Jesus Moreno
Would you like a FREE pro membership to another program that
offers awesome features? Automatic follow up on your visitors,
unlimited url rotator, link tracker, banner manager, Clickbank
portal and proven programs (all in on place). It's a limited
time offer, so you better hurry.
technology permits these programs to have a very good looking,
pleasant to our eyes, and working in a smooth and efficient way.
Recently, ProFatCat.com came online. And it's one of the so
called "pros" because every member has to pay a one time fee of
Then, all de members of ProFatCat.com have qualified themselves
by paying for their membership, so you know that they are serious
about their business and willing to spend money online.
And there is a special discount during 60 days starting may 1st;
this way you can get into a pro manual exchange for only $1.99. A
one time fee. You get the traffic needed for your business and
your ad is displayed in front of other pro members.
Consider to join this good program. Visit my page at:
You just got to submit the coupon code: WhatADeal. And then pay
the discounted price. Go for it. In a few days more than 1000
members have subscribed.
Your friend,
Jesus Moreno
Would you like a FREE pro membership to another program that
offers awesome features? Automatic follow up on your visitors,
unlimited url rotator, link tracker, banner manager, Clickbank
portal and proven programs (all in on place). It's a limited
time offer, so you better hurry.
manual traffic exchange
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
"A Tiny Review of "Ultimate Safelist Survival Guide"
Maybe you know that the well known internet marketers
Michael Cobb, creator of the membership site
Home-Income-Team, and Soren Jordansen, who runs
numerous internet businesses including the popular
Dragon Surf traffic exchange, recently launched their
eBook named "Ultimate Safelist Survival Guide". They
say that safelists advertising does work, but only
when done the right way.
These last words made me become curious because
honestly I have been thinking and believing that this
way of advertising is useless and horrible because of
the hundreds or thousands of commercial emails you
receive in exchange for posting your own ads, the ones
that nobody reads.
Well, it was a surprise for me what I have read about
the safelists advertising. I came to understand that I
was doing it all the wrong way. And I also came to
realize that the $7 cost was well worth it to be
Of course I will not give you here the whole details,
and instead of it I can tell you that the eBook has 7
parts and 3 appendixes and only 16 pages of content to
read filled with steps you can start implementing
right away. The key topics covered are:
* How to use safelists efficiently and get results.
* How to brand your name and face using safelists.
* Use safelists to build your own list.
And, again, the main goal of the eBook is to show us
that "Safelists Advertising Does Work... But Only When
Done The Right Way!"
If you are not so new to the internet marketing, I am
sure you will understand the whole brief course and
its simplicity. There are resources and full
instructions that might not be unknown for you at all.
It is a well organized "how to" that is easy to
The best thing is that for a small $7 fee, besides the
knowledge you acquire on the subject, you can sell the
eBook as well and you can earn unlimited $7 payments
direct to your Paypal account. This means 100%
To give an end to this review, that originally I
planned as a tiny one, I will mention again that
Michael and Soren say: Yes, safelists advertising does
work. If you have previously given up on this sort of
advertising or if you are a new user, I hope you will
receive the inspiration to try using safelists.
Remember that if you apply some or all of the
strategies contained in the guide, "Safelists Really
Does Work!".
Your friend: Jesus Moreno
Ultimate Safelists Survival Guide Rocks!

ListLotto.com is The Site to Build your Opt-In.
Simple, Effective and like NO OTHER online Today!
Michael Cobb, creator of the membership site
Home-Income-Team, and Soren Jordansen, who runs
numerous internet businesses including the popular
Dragon Surf traffic exchange, recently launched their
eBook named "Ultimate Safelist Survival Guide". They
say that safelists advertising does work, but only
when done the right way.
These last words made me become curious because
honestly I have been thinking and believing that this
way of advertising is useless and horrible because of
the hundreds or thousands of commercial emails you
receive in exchange for posting your own ads, the ones
that nobody reads.
Well, it was a surprise for me what I have read about
the safelists advertising. I came to understand that I
was doing it all the wrong way. And I also came to
realize that the $7 cost was well worth it to be
Of course I will not give you here the whole details,
and instead of it I can tell you that the eBook has 7
parts and 3 appendixes and only 16 pages of content to
read filled with steps you can start implementing
right away. The key topics covered are:
* How to use safelists efficiently and get results.
* How to brand your name and face using safelists.
* Use safelists to build your own list.
And, again, the main goal of the eBook is to show us
that "Safelists Advertising Does Work... But Only When
Done The Right Way!"
If you are not so new to the internet marketing, I am
sure you will understand the whole brief course and
its simplicity. There are resources and full
instructions that might not be unknown for you at all.
It is a well organized "how to" that is easy to
The best thing is that for a small $7 fee, besides the
knowledge you acquire on the subject, you can sell the
eBook as well and you can earn unlimited $7 payments
direct to your Paypal account. This means 100%
To give an end to this review, that originally I
planned as a tiny one, I will mention again that
Michael and Soren say: Yes, safelists advertising does
work. If you have previously given up on this sort of
advertising or if you are a new user, I hope you will
receive the inspiration to try using safelists.
Remember that if you apply some or all of the
strategies contained in the guide, "Safelists Really
Does Work!".
Your friend: Jesus Moreno
Ultimate Safelists Survival Guide Rocks!
ListLotto.com is The Site to Build your Opt-In.
Simple, Effective and like NO OTHER online Today!
Friday, March 16, 2007
I found this in another blog.
Easy traffic to your blogs:
1000000 Links
This is a great site that is attempting to obtain one million links. Here's the best part, when you link to them they automatically link back. That can provide some significant traffic to your site.
So go on over and give them a try. It'll surely work just fine.
Complete Turnkey Money Machine-In-A-Box!
==> http://goaddr.com/w8j
1000000 Links
This is a great site that is attempting to obtain one million links. Here's the best part, when you link to them they automatically link back. That can provide some significant traffic to your site.
So go on over and give them a try. It'll surely work just fine.
Complete Turnkey Money Machine-In-A-Box!
==> http://goaddr.com/w8j
Thursday, March 08, 2007
A New Breed Of Autoresponder, Auto Message Setup - Brought by Jesus Moreno!
By: Beka Ruse
The concept of the follow up autoresponder revolutionized Internet Marketing. Now, "Auto Message Setup" promises to bring the field an even greater degree of efficiency.
This recent innovation lets experienced marketers painlessly transfer marketing know-how to their entire downlines. A marketer can now provide each of his downline representatives with a follow up autoresponse system that is already packaged with the marketer's pre-written messages.
The result? Just a few minutes of work on the part of an experienced marketer, and each of his reps is set up with the same tried and true marketing messages.
Case Study: Marketer Matt and the New Breed
For example, take a look at the case of a fictional network marketer named Matt M:
For years, Matt has been successfully marketing All Natural Pharmaceuticals using a follow up autoresponder. In fact, much of his success can be attributed to the set of seven messages e-mailed to all of his potential customers. Matt has carefully crafted those messages over the years, and they're really great.
Recently, Matt has been trying to pass what he's learned along to his downline representatives. He explains his marketing principles over the phone, and he knows that several of his reps pass his follow up messages around amongst themselves.
However, Matt finds that his pearls of wisdom rarely survive this 'telling and retelling' intact. He knows his reps aren't getting anywhere near what they could out of his knowledge. He wishes there were a way to harness today's technology, and put it to use for the greater good of his downline...
Enter Auto Message Setup
Using an Auto Message Setup system, Matt's downline reps can order their own follow up autoresponse accounts that are already packaged with Matt's pre-written messages. They can reap the fruits of Matt's experience with ease.
Each rep will customize Matt's messages for himself by logging in to his new follow up autoresponder account, and entering his own contact information.
Here is Matt's original autoresponse message:
Thanks for stopping by the All Natural Pharmaceuticals web site today! We hope you come back soon!
Best Regards, Matt M.
matt@all-natural-pharma.com 918 Awl St.
Natural, PA 22314
Notice that the message greeting uses a variable, (LEAD NAME). The variable ensures that each of Matt's leads will receive a message personalized with his or her own name. Notice, also, that Matt's name and address are at the end of the message.
Case Study: Downline Dan and the New Breed
Dan is one of Matt's downline representatives. He's ordered his own follow up autoresponder through Matt. Since Matt is using Auto Message Setup, Dan's account came pre-packaged with Matt's marketing messages. Dan personalized those messages to himself by answering a few questions in his Online Control Panel. Now Dan is sending his own personalized version of Matt's messages to his customers! All of the basic content is Matt's, but Dan's contact information is on the letters. Here is the autoresponse that Dan sends to his potential customers:<
Thanks for stopping by the All Natural Pharmaceuticals web site today! We hope you come back soon!
Best Regards, Dan D.
dan@pharma-ceuticals.com 5 Farm Way
Sootuh, TN 88457
Notice that the contact name and address at the end of the e-mail are Dan's, but that the greeting at the beginning of the message still includes the name of Dan's lead.
Mission Accomplished
With Matt's experience in hand, Dan is now marketing more successfully than ever before. And he isn't the only one - Matt's entire downline is now using his marketing messages! Matt's commissions are growing exponentially.
Matt and Dan's situation is not unique. Any network marketer with an established downline can take advantage of the opportunities available in an auto message setup system. There's no better way to put more auto in your autoresponder.
Beka Ruse fights spam as the Business Development Manager at AWeber Communications. Ad tracking, live stats, and a strict anti-spam policy.
==> Automated E-Mail Follow Up From AWeber.

Complete Turnkey Money Machine-In-A-Box!
==> http://goaddr.com/w8j
The concept of the follow up autoresponder revolutionized Internet Marketing. Now, "Auto Message Setup" promises to bring the field an even greater degree of efficiency.
This recent innovation lets experienced marketers painlessly transfer marketing know-how to their entire downlines. A marketer can now provide each of his downline representatives with a follow up autoresponse system that is already packaged with the marketer's pre-written messages.
The result? Just a few minutes of work on the part of an experienced marketer, and each of his reps is set up with the same tried and true marketing messages.
Case Study: Marketer Matt and the New Breed
For example, take a look at the case of a fictional network marketer named Matt M:
For years, Matt has been successfully marketing All Natural Pharmaceuticals using a follow up autoresponder. In fact, much of his success can be attributed to the set of seven messages e-mailed to all of his potential customers. Matt has carefully crafted those messages over the years, and they're really great.
Recently, Matt has been trying to pass what he's learned along to his downline representatives. He explains his marketing principles over the phone, and he knows that several of his reps pass his follow up messages around amongst themselves.
However, Matt finds that his pearls of wisdom rarely survive this 'telling and retelling' intact. He knows his reps aren't getting anywhere near what they could out of his knowledge. He wishes there were a way to harness today's technology, and put it to use for the greater good of his downline...
Enter Auto Message Setup
Using an Auto Message Setup system, Matt's downline reps can order their own follow up autoresponse accounts that are already packaged with Matt's pre-written messages. They can reap the fruits of Matt's experience with ease.
Each rep will customize Matt's messages for himself by logging in to his new follow up autoresponder account, and entering his own contact information.
Here is Matt's original autoresponse message:
Thanks for stopping by the All Natural Pharmaceuticals web site today! We hope you come back soon!
Best Regards, Matt M.
matt@all-natural-pharma.com 918 Awl St.
Natural, PA 22314
Notice that the message greeting uses a variable, (LEAD NAME). The variable ensures that each of Matt's leads will receive a message personalized with his or her own name. Notice, also, that Matt's name and address are at the end of the message.
Case Study: Downline Dan and the New Breed
Dan is one of Matt's downline representatives. He's ordered his own follow up autoresponder through Matt. Since Matt is using Auto Message Setup, Dan's account came pre-packaged with Matt's marketing messages. Dan personalized those messages to himself by answering a few questions in his Online Control Panel. Now Dan is sending his own personalized version of Matt's messages to his customers! All of the basic content is Matt's, but Dan's contact information is on the letters. Here is the autoresponse that Dan sends to his potential customers:<
Thanks for stopping by the All Natural Pharmaceuticals web site today! We hope you come back soon!
Best Regards, Dan D.
dan@pharma-ceuticals.com 5 Farm Way
Sootuh, TN 88457
Notice that the contact name and address at the end of the e-mail are Dan's, but that the greeting at the beginning of the message still includes the name of Dan's lead.
Mission Accomplished
With Matt's experience in hand, Dan is now marketing more successfully than ever before. And he isn't the only one - Matt's entire downline is now using his marketing messages! Matt's commissions are growing exponentially.
Matt and Dan's situation is not unique. Any network marketer with an established downline can take advantage of the opportunities available in an auto message setup system. There's no better way to put more auto in your autoresponder.
Beka Ruse fights spam as the Business Development Manager at AWeber Communications. Ad tracking, live stats, and a strict anti-spam policy.
==> Automated E-Mail Follow Up From AWeber.
Complete Turnkey Money Machine-In-A-Box!
==> http://goaddr.com/w8j
Friday, February 23, 2007
About SquidooSecrets!
Do you know what Web 2.0 is? I didn't know a bit. But I
just started to understand the difference between Web 1.0
and this recent 2.0. I don't say new because it exists
since years ago.
According to O'RELLY MEDIA, website that spreads the
innovators through its books, online services, magazines,
and conferences, Web 2.0, by the way, a phrase coined by
themselves in 2004, refers to a perceived or proposed
second generation of Web-based services—such as social
networking sites, wikis, communication tools, and
folksonomies—that emphasize online collaboration and
sharing among users.
And Tom O'Reilly issued this last compact definition of Web
"Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer
industry caused by the move to the internet as platform,
and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that
new platform. Chief among those rules is this: Build
applications that harness network effects to get better the
more people use them."
There is a lot more about Web 2.0. If you go to Wikipedia
you'll find a great deal of information about it.
In a simple way, I'd say that between Web 1.0 and 2.0 it's
just the difference between old and modern web sites.
Static HTML web sites vs. dinamic customized current web
And then it comes to my table about the modern Squidoo.
Have you seen what Squidoo is? Well, yes, it's a Web 2.0
web site. Just take a look and you'll easily understand
If you want to learn the most about Squidoo and create your
own lenses, read the following from SquidooSecrets.com:
"Have you ever wondered what happened to good old fashioned
community? We've gotten so used to email bombardment and
trashy websites that it's refreshing to finally find a
place where you can be part of something.
That's the case with a great site called Squidoo.
I've just been learning more about it myself and I love
everything I'm seeing about it:
*It's free. Always.
* You can make an interactive, Web 2.0 webpage in about 10
minutes (these are called "lenses")
* The philosophy behind the site is collaborative.
* And you can use it to promote whatever business,
expertise, service, or hobby you wish.
Now although it's free, and relatively easy to get started,
it's great to have help in making sense of everything you
can do with the site.
I've been learning how to use the site a lot faster with
the help of Bob The Teacher.
==> http://goaddr.com/w93
Bob really knows what he's talking about.
He's had a lens hit #1 on the site, was picked for Lens of
the day a couple of times, and was even highlighted in the
New York Times for his expertise in a really weird topic.
With Bob's help, I'm learning how to take this free service
and use it for affiliate marketing, list building,
expertise branding, and promoting my business.
Would that help you out, too?
He's offering a full blown membership for an awesome
price, but even better...
You can check out Squidoo Secrets first for free -- and see
if it's the kind of thing you'd like to pursue.
Download a 1-hour interview of Bob, hosted by internet
marketing expert Paulie Sabol.
I can't believe how much content is on this one interview
Although this one interview is worth the price of the full
membership, Bob's giving it away during this introductory
==> http://goaddr.com/w93
After you've listened to it and built your first lens, let
me know about it!
This is really great stuff. Grab your membersh|p now and
unleash the power of Web 2.0. You'll be amazed at how
quickly you can learn the advanced strategies of this site
with Bob's help.
==> http://goaddr.com/w93
If Bob offers you a deal on an upgraded membership, look
it over very carefully. Since he's a teacher, he's made
sure it's quite affordable."
just started to understand the difference between Web 1.0
and this recent 2.0. I don't say new because it exists
since years ago.
According to O'RELLY MEDIA, website that spreads the
innovators through its books, online services, magazines,
and conferences, Web 2.0, by the way, a phrase coined by
themselves in 2004, refers to a perceived or proposed
second generation of Web-based services—such as social
networking sites, wikis, communication tools, and
folksonomies—that emphasize online collaboration and
sharing among users.
And Tom O'Reilly issued this last compact definition of Web
"Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer
industry caused by the move to the internet as platform,
and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that
new platform. Chief among those rules is this: Build
applications that harness network effects to get better the
more people use them."
There is a lot more about Web 2.0. If you go to Wikipedia
you'll find a great deal of information about it.
In a simple way, I'd say that between Web 1.0 and 2.0 it's
just the difference between old and modern web sites.
Static HTML web sites vs. dinamic customized current web
And then it comes to my table about the modern Squidoo.
Have you seen what Squidoo is? Well, yes, it's a Web 2.0
web site. Just take a look and you'll easily understand
If you want to learn the most about Squidoo and create your
own lenses, read the following from SquidooSecrets.com:
"Have you ever wondered what happened to good old fashioned
community? We've gotten so used to email bombardment and
trashy websites that it's refreshing to finally find a
place where you can be part of something.
That's the case with a great site called Squidoo.
I've just been learning more about it myself and I love
everything I'm seeing about it:
*It's free. Always.
* You can make an interactive, Web 2.0 webpage in about 10
minutes (these are called "lenses")
* The philosophy behind the site is collaborative.
* And you can use it to promote whatever business,
expertise, service, or hobby you wish.
Now although it's free, and relatively easy to get started,
it's great to have help in making sense of everything you
can do with the site.
I've been learning how to use the site a lot faster with
the help of Bob The Teacher.
==> http://goaddr.com/w93
Bob really knows what he's talking about.
He's had a lens hit #1 on the site, was picked for Lens of
the day a couple of times, and was even highlighted in the
New York Times for his expertise in a really weird topic.
With Bob's help, I'm learning how to take this free service
and use it for affiliate marketing, list building,
expertise branding, and promoting my business.
Would that help you out, too?
He's offering a full blown membership for an awesome
price, but even better...
You can check out Squidoo Secrets first for free -- and see
if it's the kind of thing you'd like to pursue.
Download a 1-hour interview of Bob, hosted by internet
marketing expert Paulie Sabol.
I can't believe how much content is on this one interview
Although this one interview is worth the price of the full
membership, Bob's giving it away during this introductory
==> http://goaddr.com/w93
After you've listened to it and built your first lens, let
me know about it!
This is really great stuff. Grab your membersh|p now and
unleash the power of Web 2.0. You'll be amazed at how
quickly you can learn the advanced strategies of this site
with Bob's help.
==> http://goaddr.com/w93
If Bob offers you a deal on an upgraded membership, look
it over very carefully. Since he's a teacher, he's made
sure it's quite affordable."
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Review of "The Rockefeller Files"
Are you ready to set into motion a system to achieve total
freedom in 2007?
I mean a diabolical plan that will finally allow you the
chance to tell your boss goodbye forever.
I just finished reading an awesome report that has inspired
me to tell you about it immediately. You can download it
Go To:==>http://goaddr.com/wzm
It is a free report that is highly motivational, and will
challenge you to look at why you may not be succeeding
Keith Wellman and Eric Rockefeller decided it was so
important to introduce to the internet marketing community
that they decided to also pay on two tiers to tell others to
download and read it.
Go To:==>http://goaddr.com/wzm
Check it out and take advantage of what you'll find there.
Need a Paypal account?
Go To:==>http://goaddr.com/z4f
Or an E-Gold account?
Go To:==>http://goaddr.com/wb2
freedom in 2007?
I mean a diabolical plan that will finally allow you the
chance to tell your boss goodbye forever.
I just finished reading an awesome report that has inspired
me to tell you about it immediately. You can download it
Go To:==>http://goaddr.com/wzm
It is a free report that is highly motivational, and will
challenge you to look at why you may not be succeeding
Keith Wellman and Eric Rockefeller decided it was so
important to introduce to the internet marketing community
that they decided to also pay on two tiers to tell others to
download and read it.
Go To:==>http://goaddr.com/wzm
Check it out and take advantage of what you'll find there.
Need a Paypal account?
Go To:==>http://goaddr.com/z4f
Or an E-Gold account?
Go To:==>http://goaddr.com/wb2
Rockefeller Files
Friday, February 16, 2007
A New No Surf Program!
There is a new high yield program that came up this St.
Valentine's Day. The name is: 9PlanetNoSurf and was created
and launched by a well known canadian guy named John
He has an Alert Service at http://9planetreviews.com, a
review site that has been existing for more than 2 year now.
He has been reviewing and does review all kink of internet
programs and has tried to help guys from losing their money
in so many scams that we all have to suffer about all over
the world.
Why have he launched this site? He says that because, after
the debacle of 2006, he have come to feel that what folks
need is an honest Admin, with a real address so he can be
hunted down, who will not run with your money, but run an
honest game, for as long as folks keep coming in and
spending. Know that ihe wILL close when the river dries up,
so to speak. But HE WILL NOT run with your money.
JS runs a very informative blog you can check out at:
I just did it and Wow, great source of information. Make a
visit yourself and you'll see there is a lot of good info. I
can easily see that JS knows what he is talking about.
There's no need to surf. Why? Well, most of us don't surf in
any case, even if we have five or more surf programs up in
our browser using the tabbing feature. We are not looking at
the ads in any case, most of the time.
So since we don't really surf and look at the ads with any
amount of attention, he've come up with a nosurf program.
Thank you letters are welcome for not having to surf.
For not going any further, I'll just say that he and his new
program, 9PlanetNoSurf, are highly recommended for those
guys that usually check out in full these kind of ventures.
They say that their recommendation is made without a simple
bit of doubt. And this talks of the John Stankiewicz
Go to ==>http://goaddr.com/wbp
And check out on the available plans.
If you need an E-Gold account:
Go to==>http://goaddr.com/wb2
Valentine's Day. The name is: 9PlanetNoSurf and was created
and launched by a well known canadian guy named John
He has an Alert Service at http://9planetreviews.com, a
review site that has been existing for more than 2 year now.
He has been reviewing and does review all kink of internet
programs and has tried to help guys from losing their money
in so many scams that we all have to suffer about all over
the world.
Why have he launched this site? He says that because, after
the debacle of 2006, he have come to feel that what folks
need is an honest Admin, with a real address so he can be
hunted down, who will not run with your money, but run an
honest game, for as long as folks keep coming in and
spending. Know that ihe wILL close when the river dries up,
so to speak. But HE WILL NOT run with your money.
JS runs a very informative blog you can check out at:
I just did it and Wow, great source of information. Make a
visit yourself and you'll see there is a lot of good info. I
can easily see that JS knows what he is talking about.
There's no need to surf. Why? Well, most of us don't surf in
any case, even if we have five or more surf programs up in
our browser using the tabbing feature. We are not looking at
the ads in any case, most of the time.
So since we don't really surf and look at the ads with any
amount of attention, he've come up with a nosurf program.
Thank you letters are welcome for not having to surf.
For not going any further, I'll just say that he and his new
program, 9PlanetNoSurf, are highly recommended for those
guys that usually check out in full these kind of ventures.
They say that their recommendation is made without a simple
bit of doubt. And this talks of the John Stankiewicz
Go to ==>http://goaddr.com/wbp
And check out on the available plans.
If you need an E-Gold account:
Go to==>http://goaddr.com/wb2
No Surf
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
How To Make Money Selling 7 Dollar Reports.
The well known Jonathan Leger, creator of successful programs
like Video Traffic Power, Adsense Gold, Instant Article Wizard,
Keyword Explosion, etc., just launched his new project named
7Dollar Secrets.
He says that those hundreds of "gurus" online want to sell you
products of high price that they claim will show you how you can
earn a living online.
His advice: Don't buy them, because he is going to show you how
to do it all for only $7 and, besides, he'll give you the
scripts that he uses to make it happen, for free.
Using his own method, he generated more than $3,000 in just 7
days with a 30 page report. I highly suggest you to visit this
link and find out how:
>>> http://goaddr.com/fqt
If you're serious about your online marketing business in 2007,
you will get this report, plus the free scripts that it comes
with, right now and read the report today.
Can you guess what it will cost you to get this incredible money
making information, information that can blast your profits
through the roof?
That's right: $7.
Yes, for the price of a fast food dinner you will have all of
the information and software you need to jump full force into
the realm of creating and selling seven dollar reports for
massive profits.
In the mean time, you can sell this product through your Paypal
account and make 100% comission. Sounds good enough? You bet.
Go to >>> http://goaddr.com/fqt
like Video Traffic Power, Adsense Gold, Instant Article Wizard,
Keyword Explosion, etc., just launched his new project named
7Dollar Secrets.
He says that those hundreds of "gurus" online want to sell you
products of high price that they claim will show you how you can
earn a living online.
His advice: Don't buy them, because he is going to show you how
to do it all for only $7 and, besides, he'll give you the
scripts that he uses to make it happen, for free.
Using his own method, he generated more than $3,000 in just 7
days with a 30 page report. I highly suggest you to visit this
link and find out how:
>>> http://goaddr.com/fqt
If you're serious about your online marketing business in 2007,
you will get this report, plus the free scripts that it comes
with, right now and read the report today.
Can you guess what it will cost you to get this incredible money
making information, information that can blast your profits
through the roof?
That's right: $7.
Yes, for the price of a fast food dinner you will have all of
the information and software you need to jump full force into
the realm of creating and selling seven dollar reports for
massive profits.
In the mean time, you can sell this product through your Paypal
account and make 100% comission. Sounds good enough? You bet.
Go to >>> http://goaddr.com/fqt
$7 Reports.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Learn How Autoresponders Can Make You More Money!
First: What is an Autoresponder?
The simple way to explain an Autoresponder is to
think of it as program that automatically
responds to email sent to it.
Our Autoresponders not only automatically answers
emails sent but it remembers who sent the email
and follows up with them whenever you tell it
to... automatically.
Effective sales people know that the fortune is
in the follow-up. This is why good sales people
spend so much time following up on past clients,
making repeat sales calls, sending postcard
reminders, sending out brochures to the same
people, going through their list of contacts to
see who they haven't talked to in a while.
The TrafficWave.net Autoresponder takes care of
following up with your online prospects
Second: Why do you need an Autoresponder?
Experts tell us that it takes an average of 7
different contacts to close a sale.
If you are not following up with your prospects
on a regular basis, you are losing sales!
As your list of prospects grows, it becomes more
and more difficult and time consuming to figure
out when you last spoke with which prospect and
which information you send them.
In our global economy, business is being
conducted 24 hours a day. It would be impossible
for you to personally follow up 24 hours a day.
Your Autoresponder can manage all of your
prospects, remember when it sent your last sales
letter, what that letter was about, and it can
do all of this 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
Imagine being able to completely automate your
sales letters.
Imagine being able to build, manage, and profit
from your own online contact list.
Imagine being able to broadcast special offers or
Imagine being able to remotely update your sales
letters any time.
Imagine being able to instantly test ad copy or
special offers.
With TrafficWave.net Autoresponders, you can do
all of this and more.
This system runs 24 hours a day... 7 days a
week... whether you are at the office, sleeping,
having lunch, or enjoying some free time with
your family. Your Autoresponder never sleeps!
Because you are able to generate more leads and
more efficiently manage your follow up, you will
have more time to develop and test effective ad
copy, spend time with family or friends, or even
develop new product lines and marketing
Here are just a few things you can do with your
* Automate Sales Letters * Training Messages *
Promote Business Opportunities * Publish Your
Ezine * Distribute Product Information * Build
Your Contact List * Broadcast Special Offers *
Mailing List Manager * Network Marketing *
Customer Service * Internal Memos * And more!
When you use TrafficWave.net's Autoresponder
system, you get:
* Unlimited Autoresponders * Unlimited
Campaigns * Unlimited Sales Letters * Send HTML
or Text Messages * Track Your Results for Each
Letter * Unlimited Professional Training and
Third: How much does the Autoresponder cost?
Right now, we are offering a FREE 30 Day Trial of
our Autoresponder system.
No long-term commitment! Set up your account
today absolutely FREE. Try it for 30 days with
zero cost and zero risk. Once you see how
powerful this system is and how easily it can
save you time while increasing your sales, you
can select the option to continue using our
system for just $17.95 per month. If you don't
see how this system can help your business, do
nothing. Your account will automatically expire
at the end of the 30 day trial. Keep all the
training information as my personal gift.
Thousands of people have used this Autoresponder
system to save time, increase profits, and boost
efficiency. You will have full access to this
system free for the next 30 days.
Review the training materials. Use the tools to
build your own sales. See for yourself what
thousands of other online marketers are talking
At the end of your 30 day trial, you can simply
let the account go or keep building your list and
your profits for just $17.95 per month.
Believe me... the training alone is worth one
hundred times the price of your subscription.
When you join TrafficWave.net, you will have
unlimited access to our members area where you
will learn:
* How To Win The Search Engine Wars * How To
Turn Leads Into Paying Customers * Why Some
Advertising Works and Some Doesn't * How To
Create (and profit from) Your Own Opt-In List *
Secrets To Autoresponder Success * And MUCH MUCH
This is all included with your 30 day free trial
along with full access to all of our powerful
promotional tools AND the training to make it all
work for you.
Can you invest the next 30 days to learn how to
generate leads and turn web site visitors into
No matter what you decide at the end of your 30
day trial, you will absolutely better understand
how to use Autoresponders to increase profits,
save time, and boost efficiency. You win!
Fourth: How do you get your own Autoresponder?
We can get you started within the next five
minutes. And remember... you are not paying a
dime to get started with this system! Just point
your browser to:
and click on "30 Day Free Trial". Once you
complete our brief enrollment form, you will
have full access to our back office where you
can review all of the training, start using your
new Autoresponder along with our other tools, and
begin to experience the power of automated
online marketing for yourself.
Yours in success,
Soon you'll be able to read the next article
about this same subject.
First: What is an Autoresponder?
The simple way to explain an Autoresponder is to
think of it as program that automatically
responds to email sent to it.
Our Autoresponders not only automatically answers
emails sent but it remembers who sent the email
and follows up with them whenever you tell it
to... automatically.
Effective sales people know that the fortune is
in the follow-up. This is why good sales people
spend so much time following up on past clients,
making repeat sales calls, sending postcard
reminders, sending out brochures to the same
people, going through their list of contacts to
see who they haven't talked to in a while.
The TrafficWave.net Autoresponder takes care of
following up with your online prospects
Second: Why do you need an Autoresponder?
Experts tell us that it takes an average of 7
different contacts to close a sale.
If you are not following up with your prospects
on a regular basis, you are losing sales!
As your list of prospects grows, it becomes more
and more difficult and time consuming to figure
out when you last spoke with which prospect and
which information you send them.
In our global economy, business is being
conducted 24 hours a day. It would be impossible
for you to personally follow up 24 hours a day.
Your Autoresponder can manage all of your
prospects, remember when it sent your last sales
letter, what that letter was about, and it can
do all of this 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
Imagine being able to completely automate your
sales letters.
Imagine being able to build, manage, and profit
from your own online contact list.
Imagine being able to broadcast special offers or
Imagine being able to remotely update your sales
letters any time.
Imagine being able to instantly test ad copy or
special offers.
With TrafficWave.net Autoresponders, you can do
all of this and more.
This system runs 24 hours a day... 7 days a
week... whether you are at the office, sleeping,
having lunch, or enjoying some free time with
your family. Your Autoresponder never sleeps!
Because you are able to generate more leads and
more efficiently manage your follow up, you will
have more time to develop and test effective ad
copy, spend time with family or friends, or even
develop new product lines and marketing
Here are just a few things you can do with your
* Automate Sales Letters * Training Messages *
Promote Business Opportunities * Publish Your
Ezine * Distribute Product Information * Build
Your Contact List * Broadcast Special Offers *
Mailing List Manager * Network Marketing *
Customer Service * Internal Memos * And more!
When you use TrafficWave.net's Autoresponder
system, you get:
* Unlimited Autoresponders * Unlimited
Campaigns * Unlimited Sales Letters * Send HTML
or Text Messages * Track Your Results for Each
Letter * Unlimited Professional Training and
Third: How much does the Autoresponder cost?
Right now, we are offering a FREE 30 Day Trial of
our Autoresponder system.
No long-term commitment! Set up your account
today absolutely FREE. Try it for 30 days with
zero cost and zero risk. Once you see how
powerful this system is and how easily it can
save you time while increasing your sales, you
can select the option to continue using our
system for just $17.95 per month. If you don't
see how this system can help your business, do
nothing. Your account will automatically expire
at the end of the 30 day trial. Keep all the
training information as my personal gift.
Thousands of people have used this Autoresponder
system to save time, increase profits, and boost
efficiency. You will have full access to this
system free for the next 30 days.
Review the training materials. Use the tools to
build your own sales. See for yourself what
thousands of other online marketers are talking
At the end of your 30 day trial, you can simply
let the account go or keep building your list and
your profits for just $17.95 per month.
Believe me... the training alone is worth one
hundred times the price of your subscription.
When you join TrafficWave.net, you will have
unlimited access to our members area where you
will learn:
* How To Win The Search Engine Wars * How To
Turn Leads Into Paying Customers * Why Some
Advertising Works and Some Doesn't * How To
Create (and profit from) Your Own Opt-In List *
Secrets To Autoresponder Success * And MUCH MUCH
This is all included with your 30 day free trial
along with full access to all of our powerful
promotional tools AND the training to make it all
work for you.
Can you invest the next 30 days to learn how to
generate leads and turn web site visitors into
No matter what you decide at the end of your 30
day trial, you will absolutely better understand
how to use Autoresponders to increase profits,
save time, and boost efficiency. You win!
Fourth: How do you get your own Autoresponder?
We can get you started within the next five
minutes. And remember... you are not paying a
dime to get started with this system! Just point
your browser to:
and click on "30 Day Free Trial". Once you
complete our brief enrollment form, you will
have full access to our back office where you
can review all of the training, start using your
new Autoresponder along with our other tools, and
begin to experience the power of automated
online marketing for yourself.
Yours in success,
Soon you'll be able to read the next article
about this same subject.
Friday, January 05, 2007
I couldn't keep this a secret!
I came across something today that at first looked like
just another product. You know, the ones that promise to
do this or that and give you so many irrelevant bonuses
that it's actually comical. But let me stress it "LOOKED"
like just another product until I examined it closer. It
actually turned out to be a gem!
What I am talking about is a fantastic product called
"Profit Pulling Offers". So what's this great product all
about and how can it help you? I am glad you asked, let
me show you.
First, let me ask you a question: Are your sales going
well or is there room for improvement? If you answered
that there is room for improvement then sit back and read
Profit Pulling Offers is something every marketer on and
offline should own. This book shows you how to convert
browsers into buyers at an astronomical rate. Here is
just some of what this book reveals:
6 simple strategies for creating irrestible web offers
7 laws the determine EVERY purchase decision
10 simple ingredients for turning any website into a
24-hour salesman who brings in the profits around the
11 essentials for every sales letter that pulls in maximum
How to raise the perceived value of your offer by as much
as a staggering 1500% without spending an extra penny
A 6-step system for setting up your own fool-proof,
"they're gonna buy something" system of offers
and some much more I could not possibly list in this post.
I was so blown away by what this book had to offer that I
could not keep it a secret from you. I mean what kind of
person would I be if I did that ;).
Remember what I said about most sites having comical
bonuses. Well this one has some bonuses that are just too
good to pass up. There are 5 in all, here are the first 4:
#1 The Web Copywriter's Handbook
#2 30 Second Ad Copy Tips
#3 Killer Salesletter Case Studies
#4 May I Pick Your Brain? An Interview with Jimmy D. Brown
The final bonus has to be seen for yourself, incredible.
Oh, did I mention that ALL of the bonuses cannot be found
anywhere else online, NOWHERE!
I picked up a copy and have already started to see results
implementing just a few strategies. I have never been more
sure of something in my business and I know you will feel
the same. Pick up a copy today and start seeing the
amazing Profit Pulling Results for yourself. Follow the
link below and grab your copy now!
To Your Success,
J. Moreno
just another product. You know, the ones that promise to
do this or that and give you so many irrelevant bonuses
that it's actually comical. But let me stress it "LOOKED"
like just another product until I examined it closer. It
actually turned out to be a gem!
What I am talking about is a fantastic product called
"Profit Pulling Offers". So what's this great product all
about and how can it help you? I am glad you asked, let
me show you.
First, let me ask you a question: Are your sales going
well or is there room for improvement? If you answered
that there is room for improvement then sit back and read
Profit Pulling Offers is something every marketer on and
offline should own. This book shows you how to convert
browsers into buyers at an astronomical rate. Here is
just some of what this book reveals:
6 simple strategies for creating irrestible web offers
7 laws the determine EVERY purchase decision
10 simple ingredients for turning any website into a
24-hour salesman who brings in the profits around the
11 essentials for every sales letter that pulls in maximum
How to raise the perceived value of your offer by as much
as a staggering 1500% without spending an extra penny
A 6-step system for setting up your own fool-proof,
"they're gonna buy something" system of offers
and some much more I could not possibly list in this post.
I was so blown away by what this book had to offer that I
could not keep it a secret from you. I mean what kind of
person would I be if I did that ;).
Remember what I said about most sites having comical
bonuses. Well this one has some bonuses that are just too
good to pass up. There are 5 in all, here are the first 4:
#1 The Web Copywriter's Handbook
#2 30 Second Ad Copy Tips
#3 Killer Salesletter Case Studies
#4 May I Pick Your Brain? An Interview with Jimmy D. Brown
The final bonus has to be seen for yourself, incredible.
Oh, did I mention that ALL of the bonuses cannot be found
anywhere else online, NOWHERE!
I picked up a copy and have already started to see results
implementing just a few strategies. I have never been more
sure of something in my business and I know you will feel
the same. Pick up a copy today and start seeing the
amazing Profit Pulling Results for yourself. Follow the
link below and grab your copy now!
To Your Success,
J. Moreno
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